The Tax Time toolkit for small business is now available from the ATO




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Nearly 80% Of Consumers Turn To Directories With Reviews To Find A Local Business.

Jenny Newman, Chairperson

As the elected Chair 2021 I look forward to welcoming Businesses to MBG.

I have been a business owner for most of my adult life having operated two very successful businesses over the years.

I am a strong believer in collaboration and inclusion, of thinking outside of the square, valuing differing opinions and ideas, whilst recognising that every business must have a leader.

Business is about balancing – finding time for oneself and family are often challenging, surrounding yourself with likeminded mentors helps to build your resilience as well as provide a source of information and companionship.

Sometimes being in business can be a lonely place. Maroondah Business Group is a vibrant group of local businesses striving to support Business in Maroondah.

Our aim is to grow our Membership, building strong alliances with those who assist us to help you. Maroondah Business Group has the support of Maroondah Council, Maroondah Councillors, Maroondah Business Development Team, Federal and State Members of Parliament.

As a business group we recognize and understand the highs and lows of business. We facilitate businesses to build healthy relationships with each other and thrive as business owners.

We provide businesses the opportunity to foster strong alliances with other members of the group through conversation, assistance, mentoring and referring business. If you have any ideas to share with Maroondah Business Group please email us.

If you have knowledge of great speakers please share this with us

Chair: Jenny Newman –

Vice Chair: Madelaine Pelser -

Secretary Tony Hart -

Treasurer: Kathryn Collier –